Tuesday, January 12, 2010

January 12th, 2010:

Woke up at 5:40. I made two "fried eggs" (I put them in a pan with like a tablespoon of butter and just cook both sides. Like an omelet without filling. I had a delicious Granny Smith apple for lunch. So I did pretty well...until I got home. Had a slice of pepperoni, sausage & mushroom pizza with a pessi throwback. Probably going to eat a bowl or two of chili later, but that's not awful for me, right? Probably had like, 1600 calories today.


  1. I'm sorry... Pizza? Chili? Boy, I wish I was on YOUR kind of diet, mister. What a cheater. Cheeaterrrrrr.

  2. It's vegetarian chili, yo. Meat in chili is NASTY.
